The Paris Climate Accord is a global agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Our local mayor, Marjorie Sloan, joined mayors all over the country and signed on to the agreement. Bell Middle School 8th grade
iSTEM students are using this to frame their fall PBL. Students are studying and learning to save energy. First, they performed an Energy Audit on their individual home, subsequently developing both a "magic wand" and a realistic plan. Meanwhile, in engineering, they built solar cars and designed wind turbines. Second, the students researched the City of Golden's Sustainability goals. They will develop ideas to meet those
goals, and will present them to the Sustainability Board in October.
Currently, the Board is seeking public feedback and ideas for the future of the City of Golden. Twenty Bell Middle School students attended the Future of Sustainability Night on September 17. At the event, they learned what Golden has already done and is currently doing to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The students also had an opportunity to share their vision for Golden's next big projects to meet the Sustainability Goals. They made their teachers proud by being professional, engaged, scientifically accurate, and by sharing thoughtful solutions. Please join us on October 25 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. at Bell Middle School to see the students final projects.