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GT ID Referral Flowchart

Phase One: Referral

A referral for GT identification (not center application) needs to be made by each family through the Jeffco GT Identification Website. Families should complete:

  • GT ID Online Referral 
    • Families will complete privacy permission for emailing data (PII) through the referral process.
    • The Family Narrative is hyperlinked to the end of the GT ID Online Referral 


Once the referral has been completed, our office will notify families of the status of their referral within 30 school days (normally about 6 weeks)

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Phase Two: Review Process

The GT Data Team will review data periodically throughout the year. This includes:

  • Each student’s existing Body of Evidence (BOE) including:
    • Cognitive data
    • Academic/Achievement data
    • Behavioral scales (SIGS)
  • Family Narrative

Gathering Additional Data

Within the initial 30 day timeline as set forth by CDE following a referral, one or more of the following may occur:

  • The school and family will be notified that additional data is needed
  • The student could be referred for CogAT testing through the GT Department
  • The student could be scheduled for testing
  • The student’s teacher could be contacted for further information
  • A decision will be made including watch list or talent pool status (see Phase 3) based on available evidence

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Phase Three: Determination

The determination to be communicated to families can be one of the following decisions: 

The student does not qualify for GT identification

Families always have the option to refer students in future years.

The student qualifies for GT identification

An Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) will be created and the GT resource teacher will send notification of ALP creation to the family and copy the student’s current School/Teacher

The student is being placed on a GT Watch List

After receiving an ID referral or GT Center Application, students can be placed on a watch list by the GT data team.

The student is being added to the school’s Talent Pool

Information related to the Talent Pool process for your student will be directly communicated with you through your school’s GT Resource Teacher.


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