Mitchell Elementary Student and School of Mines Student Speak Common Language: Math
Daniel and Fritz communicate using one common language: math. They engage in animated discussions about advanced math concepts by scratching out algorithms, using hand motions, and making funny gestures. It all adds up to a dynamic duo.
Daniel Xia is a fifth-grade student from China who recently joined Mr. Hallerberg’s math class at Mitchell Elementary. He speaks Mandarin, and he is just starting to learn English. Daniel is also a tremendous math student.
Hilbirk is a School of Mines student who volunteers to teach Daniel advanced math concepts. In turn, Daniel is teaching Fritz how to speak in Mandarin; together they are quite the pair. They meet in the #thinkingspace in the Mitchell library to hash out math problems together. Jane Hampleman, the ESL teacher, loves the challenge of finding these unique learning opportunities for our Mitchell ESL students. Mitchell staff and students partner with Mines students on a plethora of student projects, which greatly enhance our students’ culture of learning.