To inform instruction and monitor student progress. Assessments should add value to the student learning experience, engage families in supporting learners, and help identify strengths, interests, and opportunities for growth for all students.
A collection of assessment results, or body of evidence, can be used for goal setting, identifying the focus of prioritized learning, and informing equity of access to grade level learning.
Some assessments are required by federal and/or state law. Information regarding state assessment participation can be found here. Families have a right to refuse participation in state assessments for their students. Please contact your child’s school if you have questions about test refusals or the test refusal process.
Individual schools determine which additional assessments will support their specific student population’s learning and growth.
For more information about assessments, talk with your child's teacher or school principal, or contact the Assessment and Research Department 303-982-6565. Information about Jeffco Public Schools' performance may also be found in the annual report to the community, on each school's website and on the Colorado Department of Education's SchoolView website.