Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
Every student involved in a CTE program has the opportunity to participate in a CTSO. CTSOs in Jeffco CTE programs include:
- Future Farmers of America (FFA) - Agriculture, Energy and Natural Resources
- Successful Career Students of Colorado (SC2) - ACE
- DECA and Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) - Business, Marketing, and Public Administration
- Future Health Professionals or HOSA - Health Sciences, Criminal Justice, and Public Safety
- Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) - Hospitality, Human Services, and Education
- SkillsUSA - Skilled Trades and Technical Sciences
- Technology Student Association (TSA) - STEM, Art, Design, and Information Technology
Find out more about CTSOs by visiting or
What's happening in my area?
For more information, please contact your neighborhood middle or high school.