On June 22, 2023, the Jeffco Board of Education voted to close Moore Middle School at the end of the 2023-24 school year. This means that students in grades 6-8 will be served at Pomona beginning in the 2024-25 school year when the school transitions to a 6-12 program.
Ms. Tamsen Stokes, Interim Principal of Moore Middle School, and Pomona’s principal, Mr. Pat Rock, will continue to build on the Pomona area principals’ vision—the POWER OF POMONA— where students are leaders of their own lives, leaders in our school and community, and positioned to be future leaders in the workforce.
Throughout the year ahead, they will enlist the Pomona community’s support and partnership in building on this vision and making Pomona a place that all students in their community want to attend for grades 6-12.
Input is needed on topics such as programming, building renovations, and school culture. Being on the cutting edge of reimagining the high school experience is about taking care of our students, helping them care for themselves and preparing them for their life after high school graduation.
A 6-12 school is a model that can be found in school districts across the nation. Ms. Stokes and Mr. Rock are engaging with, and learning from, school leaders across the country who have demonstrated success with this model.
They are committed to customizing the program at Pomona to meet the needs of the students and families in the community and capitalize on the tremendous talent of our staff.
To learn more about the Pomona 6-12 work—where we have been, where we are, and where we are going—we encourage you to check the Pomona school website.